For my trading ideas, visit my other blog, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Introduction to my Trading Blog

This is my alternate trading blog, which aims to provide some useful advice, education and questions for those with a little less stock trading experience (or those more experienced types making sure they haven’t missed a trick). It’s simply a medium for me to share the things I’ve learnt, mistakes I’ve made, and how I would begin investing and trading if I could start over. 

The most daunting aspect of trading for me was certainly the amount of options and conflicting opinions available wherever I looked, and so this trading blog certainly won’t focus on telling anyone how it should be done, just how I did it and what worked, and what didn’t. There will also be a fair few stock tips and ideas along the way, focusing on simpler and easier to execute strategies than those put forward in my other blog, but most importantly what I feel are the right questions to be asking at the time. I believe that there are so many answers available for every relevant and irrelevant question available on the internet, and so the best approach is to firstly identify what the most relevant question is before searching for an informed answer.

I hope that you find the posts useful, and I strongly encourage any questions/criticisms/suggestions that anyone may have. I haven’t simplified or defined every term and would recommend Investopedia be used as a good reference point, but most importantly have a look at the options yourself and see what you find. Enjoy your trading!

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